We give thanks to the DTE Foundation for honoring us with a food insecurity grant.
We appreciate the work that the DTE Foundation does to strengthen communities. We are using the grant to sponsor the local Community Meals. These funds enable us to provide for five Community Meals at the First congregational Church Fellowship Hall 218 W Second St.
Thank you DTE Energy and Gaylord Area Community Meal Program.
Please visit our website for more information on "United in Thanks" and how YOU can become involved or donate: https://www.otsegounitedway.org/
#OtsegoCountyUnitedWay #OCUW #UnitedInThanks #Community #FoodInsecurityGrant #GiveWhereYouLive #LiveUnited #UnitedWay #OtsegoCounty #GaylordMI #DTEFoundation #DTEEnergy #CommunityMeals #GaylordAreaCommunityMealProgram
