A huge thank you to Gaylord Area Council for the Arts for bringing creativity, culture, and community together! Your support for local artists, workshops, events, and programs makes a vibrant arts scene possible, enriching our lives and inspiring people of all ages in Otsego County.
We are #UnitedInThanks for all the beauty you bring to this community!
Thank you to GACA & the City of Gaylord!
Please visit our website for more information on "United in Thanks" and how YOU can become involved or donate: https://www.otsegounitedway.org/
#OtsegoCountyUnitedWay #OCUW #UnitedInThanks #GiveWhereYouLive #gaylordMI #GACA #GaylordAreaCouncilForTheArts #CityofGaylord #Arts #art
