We are #UnitedInThanks for Up North Adoptive and Foster Closet!
This is a nonprofit organization that provides free items of need to adoptive and foster children. Their goal is to ensure that each and every child has access to trendy clothing in like new condition. Providing clothing, shoes, toys, and gear that is free of holes and stains and in great condition is one way to show these children that they are cared for and deserve the best we have to offer. They also hope that this resource will also give potential loving families the courage and comfort to open their hearts and homes to children in need of a safe and loving home.
Did you know there is a donation box at Otsego County United Way for the Up North Adoptive & Foster Closet?
Please visit our website for more information on "United in Thanks" and how YOU can become involved or donate: https://www.otsegounitedway.org/
