We are thankful for the START Initiative.
Since November 2023 we have been able to lift up 85 ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) households towards financial stability. This has allowed these households to maintain employment and remove non-work-related barriers such as transportation, housing, food insecurity, utility assistance, and many more services.
Did you know 40% of Otsego County residents are in the ALICE population or below?
Thank you to Otsego Community Foundation, Huntington National Bank, Awakon Federal Credit Union, & Michigan Health Endowment Fund for making START possible! We are #unitedinthanks!
Please visit our website for more information on "United in Thanks" and how YOU can become involved: https://www.otsegounitedway.org/
#otsegocountyunitedway #ocuw #UnitedIsTheWay #givewhereyoulive #unitedinthanks #OtsegoCommunityFoundation #HuntingonBankFoundation #AwakonFederalCreditUnion #MichiganHealthEndowmentFund
