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We are thankful for the Community Meal.

Kimberly Akin

Every community needs a time and place to come together. This is especially true during challenging days. What better way to do this than with warm food around tables in friendship, laughter and connectedness.

We are #UnitedInThanks for the First Congregational Church UCC, Gaylord. Each week on Friday, they invite our neighbors to their table—of all ages, ethnicities, and lifestyles. This is a chance to gather in community with the rich, mosaic-like diversity that Gaylord is known for. Gaylord Area Community Meal Program 

If you have some extra time and would like to help, please contact our coordinator, Tony, either by phone at 989-390-3351 or via email at

Please visit our website for more information on "United in Thanks" and how YOU can become involved or donate:

United In Thanks - First Congregational Church Community Meal - Otsego County United Way
United In Thanks - First Congregational Church Community Meal - Otsego County United Way



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