We have spent the month United in Thanks for the wonderful community we have right here in Otsego County.
Today, we pause to give thanks for the incredible generosity, resilience, and kindness of the generous community members. Because of you, Otsego County continues to make a meaningful difference in the lives of so many in our community.
Whether you’ve volunteered, donated, or simply shared a smile, your support fuels hope and change for those who need it most. Together, we are creating a stronger, more compassionate future. Thank YOU!
Please visit our website for more information on "United in Thanks" and how YOU can become involved or donate: https://www.otsegounitedway.org/
#OtsegoCountyUnitedWay #OCUW #otsegocounty #GiveWhereYouLive #GaylordMI #unitedinthanks #CommunitySupport #Community #OtsegoCounty
