Today we are #UnitedInThanks and are so grateful for the incredible RSVP Community Crafters Group.
Your creativity and dedication bring warmth and joy to so many lives. From hand-stitched blankets for preschoolers; hats and mittens for veterans and the homeless; comfort items for cancer and dementia patients; stuffed toys, fidget items, and book bags for school students; soft mats for animal shelters; to baby items for newborns—and so much more—these talented ladies lovingly crochet, knit, sew, quilt, and assemble an array of wonderful and useful items.
Thank you for pouring your time, talent, and hearts into making a difference. Together, we’re creating brighter days and stronger communities!
To support the Community Crafters efforts, donations of yarn, all types of fabric, sew-on Velcro, and other sewing supplies are always needed. Donations can be dropped off at the Otsego County United Way building, 116 E. 5th Street.
Our RSVP Community Crafters Group have touched so many lives within these organizations: Friends of New Life Pregnancy Resource Center, Compassus Hospice Care, The Refuge, Gaylord Community Schools, T.A.C.K.L.E., Otsego Memorial Hospital (Munson Healthcare), Patriot Place - Gaylord, Michigan, Otsego County Animal Shelter, AmeriCorps Seniors, McLaren Northern Michigan, and Karmanos Cancer Treatment. We can't thank you enough!
Please visit our website for more information on "United in Thanks" and how YOU can become involved or donate:
#OtsegoCountyUnitedWay #OCUW #otsegocounty #RSVP #RSVPCommunityCrafters #NewLifePregnancyResourceCenter #CompassusHospiceCare #TheRefuge #GaylordCommuitySchools #TACKLE #OtsegoMemorialHospital #ThePatriotPlace #OtsegoCountyAnimalShelter #AmericorpsSeniors #Mclaren #KarmanosCancerCenter
