Today we are #UnitedInThanks for the T.A.C.K.L.E. Program (Together Against Cancer Kept Local Everyday)!
Through the amazing fundraising efforts by the T.A.C.K.L.E. Committee and NuEnergy LLC, contributions, sponsorships, and individual donations, Otsego County United Way has been able to provide individuals with assistance for the unforeseen burdens that come with diagnosis.
Our T.A.C.K.L.E. Transport vehicle, driven entirely by volunteers, transports patients to treatment in Petoskey 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Comfort items & services for those dealing with financial and emotional strain of dealing with this horrible disease regardless of economic status are also among services patients may be assisted with.
We are incredibly thankful to NuEnergy LLC, Munson Healthcare, McLaren Northern Michigan, Karmanos Cancer Institute, Otsego Community Foundation, Rotary Club of Gaylord, AmeriCorps Seniors, Jim Wernig GMC, Mighty Misfits, Otsego Resort, Refined Reflections Salon & Spa and VOICE (Vicki's Organization of Incredible Cancer Eliminators).
Please visit our website for more information on "United in Thanks" and how YOU can become involved or donate: https://www.otsegounitedway.org/
#otsegocountyunitedway #ocuw #UnitedIsTheWay #givewhereyoulive #unitedinthanks #OtsegoCommunityFoundation #NuEnergyLLC #MunsonHealthcare #McLarenNorthernMI #KarmanosCancerInstitute #RotaryClubofGaylord #AmeriCorpsSeniors #JimWernig #MightyMisfits #OtsegoResort #RefinedReflections #VOICE
