As we celebrate American Education Week, we want to show our appreciation for the incredible dedication, passion, and hard work of all of our area school staff.
From teachers to custodians, counselors to bus drivers, administrators to aides, you all play a vital role in shaping the future and inspiring the minds of tomorrow. Your continued commitment to students makes a difference every single day ... and we are so grateful for everything you do!
What educator, past or present, would you love to send a special shout out to?
Thank you, Gaylord Community Schools, North Ohio Elementary PTO, South Maple Elementary PTO, Gaylord St. Mary Cathedral School, Vanderbilt Schools, Johannesburg-Lewiston Area Schools, and Kirtland Community College.
Please visit our website for more information on "United in Thanks" and how YOU can become involved or donate:
#AmericanEducationWeek #ThankATeacher #QualityEducation #EducationMatters #TeachersRock #CommunitySupport #EducationForAll #OtsegoCountyUnitedWay #OtsegoCounty #GiveWhereYouLive #UnitedInThanks #GaylordCommunitySchools #JohannesburgLewistonAreaSchools #StMarysCatholicSchool #VanderbiltSchools #NorthOhioElementaryPTO #SouthMapleElementaryPTO #KirtlandCommunityCollege
